Our customers
Achieving objectives together. Our solutions are just as different as our customers.
However, they all have one thing in common: each and every customer is impressed with the quality and usability of our products. And trust us.
Brose is the fourth-largest family-owned second-tier automotive supplier for mechatronic systems for doors, seats, and electronic motors in the world.
With PerFact::MPAx, every single remote access to the more than 80,000 machines spread throughout the world is documented and controlled centrally via the maintenance team.
The ESSMANN GROUP is an internationally active group of companies with solutions for building shells in the fields of lighting, ventilation, security and efficiency.
With PerFact::PSA, the internal warehousing logistics is controlled and production data is fed back – right through to efficient inventory support.
Eurogate GmbH & Co. KGaA, KG is Europe’s largest shipping-company-independent container terminal and logistics group, and has several facilities in the north of Germany.
With a spare part management system organised via PerFact::PSA, spare parts can be made available to the right facility at the right time efficiently and time-optimised.
The f.a.n. frankenstolz Schlafkomfort bedwear company is one of the largest manufacturers of home textiles in Europe.
With the help of the PerFact warehouse management system and the shipping module, not only is full control assured in the warehouse – goods are dispatched quickly and without problems to the customers.
Focusing on the product-specific requirements of liquid substances, FRICKE Dosing + Filling Systems is the preferred partner of the worldwide perfume and aroma industry as well as the global chemical industry.
PerFact::MPA provides the direct link between the customer and the service team – from remote monitoring, through the ticket system, right through to the exchange of data.
Froneri is one of the largest ice cream producers in the world, with facilities spread throughout the globe.
Thanks to PerFact::MES, Froneri always has a complete overview of its several thousand production orders per month, and therefore always has control over its global production facilities.
Hapag-Lloyd Cruises is the leading provider of ocean cruises in the luxury and expedition segment.
The demanding customers are always supplied with the latest and most appropriate travel information by the on-board personnel using the PerFact::EMA document management system. PerFact::EMA also provides the perfect support for numerous other work flows necessary for the operation and organisation of the cruises.
The HARTING technology group is a world-leading provider of industrial connection technology for the three lifelines – data, signal and power.
PerFact::MPAx realises centralised remote access with full transparency of the suppliers and the in-house mechanical engineering department, which in turn reliably supports its own customers with the same PerFact software.
The intensive partnership-based cooperation is also reflected in joint trade fair appearances and activities surrounding the HARTING MICA system.
Hennecke GmbH has been developing and constructing high-quality machine and system technology as well as process technology for the processing of polyurethane for seven decades.
The service portal, 360° Connect, based on PerFact::MPA, establishes a transparent contact to the customer, whereby every remote maintenance access is recorded securely and traceably in a ticket system.
Holter Regelarmaturen GmbH & Co. KG is a medium-sized family business that meets specific customer needs for the design, manufacture and distribution of control valves, armatures and actuators.
PerFact::EMA provides part of the flexible EDP infrastructure, including single sign-on.
The IMA Schelling Group is a globally active partner for the realisation of sophisticated system solutions in the wood processing industry.
Supported by PerFact::MPA, the service department has been steadily increasing its revenue for years – from remote service, through condition-based maintenance management, right through to the mobile app for service technicians and customers.
The Kählig Antriebstechnik GmbH drive company is a world-leading manufacturer specialising in brushless and brush-type DC motors in the continuous power range from 2.5 watts.
Using PerFact::SecureLogon, the external KAG employees can access the system via a secure connection, in the form of a user-friendly virtual private network.
The L-A-W Services GmbH company specialises in the contract manufacturing of pharmaceuticals, medical devices and cosmetics in a GMP-compliant production environment.
The corresponding PerFact::PSA modules for weighing, production and labelling were therefore validated strictly in accordance with GAMP certification.
Mediseal GmbH designs and produces blister packs as well as numerous sachet, stick pack and cartoning machines for the automated packaging of medical devices of all kinds and throughout the world.
With PerFact::MPA, Mediseal is permanently available via the secure remote monitoring solution, in case service actions are necessary.
Meypack Verpackungssysteme GmbH produces efficient solutions in the field of packaging and palletising technology, and is represented in all industries worldwide.
Thanks to PerFact::PSA and applications based on PerFact::EMA programmed in-house, the superordinate “MeyData” system is just as flexible and efficient as the bespoke Meypack machines.
Dirk Rossmann GmbH is the second largest chain of chemists in Germany, and is one of the ten most important grocery retailers in Germany.
PerFact::EMA is used to manage and process the permanent web-based and work-flow-based communication between the almost 4,000 European branches and the head office.
The Schaeffler Group is a globally active automotive and industry supplier for precision components and systems in motor, transmission, chassis and bearing solutions.
PerFact::MPAx safeguards all Schaeffler Group remote maintenance sessions against unauthorised access and, among other things, enables the recording of important maintenance data.
SICK is the world’s leading manufacturer of sensors and sensor solutions for industrial applications.
With PerFact::MPA, SICK can reliably access the sensors in the event of service actions, and supports the organisation of all maintenance work, meaning that SICK customers can always rely on their sensor technology.
Spartherm is a German owner-managed manufacturer of fuel cells, stoves, fireplace cassettes, bio-ethanol burners, pellet stoves and nostalgic tiled stoves.
With the PerFact::PSA production feedback and time tracking modules, Spartherm not only optimises internal processes, but also increases customer satisfaction through fast, reliable information and improved delivery reliability.
As an innovative technology leader, Wemhöner Surface Technologies GmbH & Co. KG produces machines and systems for the refinement of wood-based materials, and has an export share of more than 85%.
With PerFact::EMA the IT infrastructure has a solid foundation and with PerFact::MPA the customers, spread throughout the world, can be accessed for secure remote maintenance.
Our success story
Successful years in the market
Different industries
Satisfied large customers – and the trend is rising
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